All about Belize Cashew Wine, and why everyone asks for it!

bottles of belize cashew wine

From planting to harvesting there is nothing ‘usual’ about cashew fruit or cashew fruit wine. The nut grows outside the fruit and certain chemicals from the harvesting of the nut are actually used in the production of vehicle brake liners. However, the Belizean cashew fruit wine is a unique and some Mayas would say a mystical fruit. Personally, I think the description of cashew fruit wine below is as accurate as I could discern;

‘A sweet and fruity taste made entirely from locally grown cashew fruit which has been fermented into wine. Definitely an acquired taste... Some would even say, ‘tart’ in nature. We say - It's Delicious!

Cashew wine Serving Suggestion

The wine is best served over ice and sipped like a fine malt or cognac. The ice will have two effects on the cashew wine, initially it will cool off the wine and lessen the tartness, next the ice will slowly dilute the wine again smoothing the unique flavors, all the time allowing the wine to mellow and crate a satisfying aperitif or post dinner liquor.

Cashew Wine Descriptions / Comments

Because cashew wine is made from fruit, it's very sweet, with a viciously tart kick. On first taste, the wine bore an unsettling resemblance to apple cider vinegar, which is understandable considering that pantry staple is made from fermenting apples.

A sweet and fruity in taste wine made from the cashew fruit which is fermented into wine. Cashew wine is highly aromatic with sweet tropical flavors mixed with an astringent taste best served cold and, on the rocks, considered a dessert wine similar to port.

How to make Cashew Fruit Wine

  • Wash and clean the cashew fruits
  • Cut it into small pieces and press the fruit to extract the juice
  • Soak it in water and repeat the process till all the flavors and sweetness is extracted from the fruit
  • Add sugar and yeast and allow it to ferment under an airlock
  • After a week, fermentation will stop. You can taste to add more sugar, spices and flavors. Filter the wine using a mesh cloth
  • Keep it in the refrigerator for a day to make the wine a bit more clear and consume this drink fresh. I prefer it as a bit sweet dessert wine or dry cooking wine.
  • Note: You can age it for 6 months for the harsh flavors to mellow down. Also one can make a nice sweet sparkling wine from cashew fruit feni.

Cashew Wine Pricing

  • Travellers Cashew wine 750ml - $9USD

Cashew Wine Facts and Figures

The cashew is a boxing glove shape nut that grows at the end of the cashew apple. Unlike other nuts, cashews don’t grow within the fruit, it grows on the outside and hangs from the bottom of the apple. The cashew apple is a fruit from the cashew tree which is native to northeastern Brazil. Here are 15 more interesting facts about cashews you might not know:

  • Native to northeastern Brazil, the tree made its way to India by Portuguese sailors between 1560 and 1565.
  • The Portuguese name for the nut is caju which is where the informal name comes from.
  • Over 90% of the world’s cashew crop is consumed in the United States.
  • Nigeria was the top producer of cashew nuts in 2010.
  • Dry/wet tropics are ideal for growing cashew trees. The ideal temperature is 77°F during the day and should not drop below 50°F at night.
  • Sandy soils are best for growing cashew trees.
  • During the dry season (winter), cashew trees flower and can be harvested a couple months after.
  • You will know the nut is ready to be harvested because the cashew apple will be a nice red color (sometimes pink or yellow) and the shell of the nut turns dark grey. If they fruit falls from the tree it is definitely ready to be harvested.
  • The cashew tree grows on average 32 to 50 feet and belongs to the Anacadiaceae family, also known as the sumac family.
  • Cashews are always treated by roasting, boiling, or streaming before they’re de-shelled because they are surrounded by a toxic oil similar to anacardic acid or urushiol that can irritate the skin.
  • Cashews are typically a shade of green before the nut is roasted.
  • If you tend to have gallbladder issues or get kidney stones avoid cashews because they obtain oxalates which can make your condition worse.
  • Cashews can be processed into cashew butter and cheese.
  • The nut can be found in industrial products such as paints and brake liners.
  • The shell of the nut can be used in lubricants, waterproofing, and arms production.

Blackberry Wine tasting notes

Black Berry Wine – The delicious and highly famous Belizean black berry wine is favorable for its fruity and smooth taste. High considered a dessert wine, can be paired with cheese and crackers. Normally fermented during the summers when they are at its peak in ripeness.  

Most people describe blackberry wine as having a smooth and balanced flavor, like a Merlot or Malbec. Homemade blackberry wine tends to be complex and aromatic, and is sure to impress your friends. Just like with any other wine, the flavor profile of the end product depends on the quality of the fruit you start with.

Blackberry wine is just as good as regular wine. If the fruit quality is at its peak and the fermentation process is successful, it will result in a smooth, sweet, and tart taste with berry flavor. The aroma, which wine lovers first test, is incredible

How to make Blackberry Fruit Wine.

Making wine is all down to yeast.

These little critters when locked into an airtight container anaerobically respire breaking down sugar into ethanol (you want this – it gets you drunk!) and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide bubbles through the wine and out the airlock with some partially dissolving. As they do this they feed on minerals in the fruit and water and divide and grow. As this happens colonies of the partying yeast form and sink to the bottom all the while producing more alcohol until they consume all the sugar and start to get stressed and die away.

This along with the fruit pulp must be removed periodically in a process called racking. The more you rack over the months the more sediment you remove until you have a clear wine. After a month or so yeast will have done its work and the wine ages with tannins from the fruit aging and mellowing and acids may change from harsh to softer tastes.

There are no rules on how long a wine ages and it is personal taste and the limits of your recipe that determine it. Once aged the wine is possibly stabilised and  back sweetened with sugar then bottled.

Blackberry Wine Pricing

-Travellers Blackberry wine 750ml- $10USD

Where to buy Belize Cashew Wine

Buy Belize Cashew Wine at our Belize Airport Duty Free Shop ✈️

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